Archive for November 2009

It’s too much to ask every writer to be as thorough as Christina Kahrl is in explaining her Rookie of the Year vote, but how nice would it be if every voter actually explained the thought process behind their awards choices?

Not a big surprise. Two writers voted King Felix first. One voted for Verlander. First place votes for Sabathia would have bothered me. Overall nothing to complain about here. He’s getting married on Saturday too, so all in all it’s a pretty good week for Zack.

Slow day, so I scan the news. Great (Captain Robert Falcon) Scott! Or was it Shackleton? AL Cy Young today. Greinke should get it, but the writers once gave the damn thing to Jack McDowell for cryin’ out loud, so who knows? For relaxing times, make it Takahashi time. Cancel the candlelight vigil: the ballplayers […]

The 2009 AL Rookie of the Year scouted—digitally.

What Chris Jaffe’s new book has to say in his new book about the controversial late manager.

Amidst a changing Rockies team, Todd Helton has remained a constant throughout the years.