Archive for November 2009

Pop quiz, hot shot: There’s a catcher who wins the Gold Glove, the batting title and leads the league in on base and slugging percentage. What do you call him? MVP. That is, unless you’re the (presumably) Detroit-area voter who put Miguel Cabrera in front of Mauer in first place, costing him the unanimous MVP. […]

Had my last Monday morning staff meeting this morning. Next Monday: it’s me, my cat, my Ipod, my pajamas, a pot of coffee and a big bowl of Count Chocula. Until then: Omar Vizquel is Snake Eyes to Ozzie Guillen’s Storm Shadow. Comment of the day comes from Len over at NBC: “Hey, Frenchie might […]

In another sneak preview from his new book, Chris examines the greatest manager you never heard of: Pat Moran.

Where have all the Heinies gone?

The additional benefits of drafting for upside in deep leagues

What does clinical psychology have in common with Sabermetrics? Quite a bit, as it turns out.