Ben Jacobs: modern day Nostradamus

At the season’s outset, 18 THT-ities submitted their preseason predictions. Now that the year’s over, let’s see how we did and rank us. The ranking system is easy—if you predict a team comes in first and it comes in fifth, that’s four points. If it’s third, that’s two points. Low score did the job.

Ben Jacobs 29 points
Chris Neault 30 points
John Barten 32 points
Matthew Carruth 33 points
Chris Jaffe 33 points
Richard Barbieri 34 points
David Gassko 35 points
John Beamer 35 points
Bryan Tsao 35 points
David Studenman 36 points
Steve Treder 36 points
Lisa Gray 36 points
Geoff Young 37 points
Brian Borowski 38 points
Craig Brown 38 points
John Walsh 39 points
Sal Baxamusa 39 points
Brandon Isleib 40 points

Congrats to Ben Jacobs. Also, please note that John Barten was the only person to get an entire division perfectly ordered—- the AL West.

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