Visual Baseball:  Score Tracker compares the Giants and Rangers

Here’s a look at the Giants and Rangers, using Score Tracker to compare their wins and losses in the 2010 postseason. Like everything in Texas, the Rangers have done everything big, with only one game decided by two runs or fewer. In contrast, the Giants have been anything but Giant, taking more of a “conservationist” approach to their games. With the exception of their 6-1 loss and their 3-0 “blowout,” every game has been decided by one or two runs.


Kevin Dame is a writer and visual designer who brings sports information to life in new and meaningful ways. Visit his website and follow him on Twitter @kevintdame.
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13 years ago

I think it would look a little better if the the radius of the circles increased linearly.  That would make the 10-3 victory look more impressive than the 5-1 victory.  I realize that there is more “blue” due to the formula for the area of a circle, but thickness of the blue line looks the same, and that is what jumps out at me.