Today at THT

Things to read while recovering from the injuries you suffered in the WBC:

  • John Brattain has five questions about the Toronto Blue Jays. Question number six: would Roy Halladay have won the Cy Young award last year if voters had accounted for the exchange rate between Canadian and U.S. wins?
  • Chris Neault has five questions about the Florida Marlins. Question number six: if Miami does give Jeff Loria a new stadium, what’s his excuse going to be for the continued low payroll?
  • Brandon Isleib interviews Dustin Morse, the Twins chief PR dude. Some of you may know that Brandon is in law school, so you’ll understand that we had to edit out the part where he asked to treat Morse as a hostile witness and then cross examined him within an inch of his life. Truth be told, I couldn’t be more proud of the lad.
  • John Beamer has more on statistics and regression. You know it’s gonna be good when he warns the reader right at the outset that it’s going to be dull. I think it’s reverse psychology, however, so let’s all click through and have our socks knocked off!
  • Finally, over at Fantasy Focus, Marco Fujimoto fills us in on the the asymmetrical dominance effect. I’m only half joking when I tell you that I’ve learned more about psychology from Marco’s series of articles than I did a whole semester of psych class. Only difference is that there are fewer good looking and impressionable young women hanging around here than my psych class.
  • Given the injury carnage afoot, one can’t help but wonder if all of those spring training wind sprints the WBC participants got out of by joining their nation’s team don’t actually serve a pretty important purpose after all.

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