Today at THT

Getting a deal done at the Winter Meetings is not as easy as everyone makes it sound. I mean, off the top of my head, I’d say you’re looking at a Boeski, a Jim Brown, a Miss Daisy, two Jethros and a Leon Spinks, not to mention the biggest Ella Fitzgerald ever. If you’re not up to that, I’d suggest staying back in your room, ordering a Denver omelet from room service, and reading some of the latest finery from group of con artists and misfits from The Hardball Times who have assembled here in the desert for one last big score:

  • Chris Jaffe, inspired by Bill James and George Grantham, compiled a database with the purpose of finding the most well-rounded seasons of all time. There must have been a flaw in his calculations, however, because Terry Forster and Greg Luzinski are nowhere to be found;
  • Evan Brunell runs down last week’s deals in his Lost in Transactions feature. Spoiler alert: at the end of it, Javier Vazquez whispers “I love you. Don’t forget to always tell the truth” in Bob Howry’s ear.
  • Meanwhile, over at Fantasy Focus, Derek Carty breaks down Dustin Pedroia-as-fantasy-dude and Victor Wang surveys the not-immediately-obvious prospects who may be worth a look for 2009. If you and your buddies do it auction-style and there’s a bidding war over Dusty Ryan, congratulations, you’ve ID’d the Hardball Times readers in your league!

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